Whether you're facing job loss, reduced income, unexpected expenses, cognitive impairments, or the aging process, we're here to provide signposts to support organisations. Explore specific areas of concern and find resources to navigate these challenges. If you have questions or need more information, feel free to ask.

Vulnerability areas:

Financial Challenges

This addresses various financial challenges individuals you might face, such as unemployment, income reduction, debt, unexpected expenses, and limited access to banking services. Resources include charity and support group details and articles that might help.

Step Change is the UK’s largest debt advice provider, offering a free debt advice service that’s available 24/7 online. They can provide you with a range of information on debt solutions, government schemes like Breathing Space, bailiff advice, and more.

Social and Emotional Well-being

Here we focusing on social and emotional well-being, this covers a range of challenges, from loneliness and health issues to addiction. You might find some charity and support groups that could be useful.

As Unity Mutual is part of the Oddfellows, you can take a look at their website for some further resources. Take a look here.

The NHS offer guidance for help with drug addiction. Click here for details.

Whether it is you suffering from addiction, or someone you know, MIND offer help. Click here for their details.