Making a complaint

If you’re unhappy with our services, please get in touch. We can often resolve issues without the need for a formal complaint.

Sometimes, however, we may not be able to resolve an issue straight away, and you may want to make a formal complaint.

We will treat your complaint fairly and impartially, and will do our best to get to the root cause of the problem so we can make sure it doesn’t happen again. 

How to make a complaint

Contact us directly by phone on 0161 214 4650 or by email to Or you can make your complaint via post or in person to any of our helpful staff.

Please include the following information, if relevant:

  • Your full name, address and proffered contact number.
  • The details of the policy being complained about, including the type (eg. ISA) and date of sale.
  • The name of the person and/or company who advised you, or arranged the policy, if applicable and if known.
  • A clear and concise overview of your complaint.
  • Copies of any relevant documents (we don’t need the originals).

If you are notifying us of your complaint in writing please mark your letter or email ‘Complaint’ and keep a copy for your records.

If you’d like a friend, relative or advisor to handle the complaint on your behalf, please confirm this to us verbally or in writing. 

Next steps

We aim to resolve your complaint straight away. If we can’t, we’ll send you written acknowledgement of your complaint within five working days of receipt. We will then do our best to complete the investigation within four weeks of your complaint.

If there are any delays, we will write to you again within eight weeks of receiving your complaint to explain the delay and when we expect to conclude our investigation.

If, after eight weeks, you’re not satisfied with the progress and/or our explanation for the delay, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). When we write to you we’ll enclose a leaflet explaining how to do this and their contact details. 

Following our investigation

When our investigation is complete, we’ll write to you to let you know the outcome and our reasons for our decision. We’ll include - where applicable - details of any offer of settlement we propose to make.

If you don’t agree with the outcome of our investigation you can refer your complaint to the FOS. We’ll include a leaflet explaining how to do this with our decision letter. You will then have six months from the date of our decision letter to refer your complaint to the FOS. After this you may lose your right to have your complaint reviewed by them. 

If your complaint is about the administration of a personal pension product, you have the right to refer your complaint to The Pensions Ombudsman, free of charge.

Contact the Financial Ombudsman Service

Financial Ombudsman Service

South Quay Plaza

183 Marsh Wall


E14 9SR


Tel: 020 7964 1000

Visit the Financial Ombudsman website:


Contact the Pensions Ombudsman

The Pensions Ombudsman

11 Belgrave Road




Tel: 020 7630 2200

Visit the Pensions Ombudsman website:


External website links. While we would never refer you to a third party that we felt didn’t provide useful information, we cannot always guarantee the accuracy of the information they provide.Unity Mutual takes no responsibility for their content. So please be mindful when visiting third-party sites.